

Table of Contents

Install CLI

First, instal synvert npm locally:

$ npm install -g synvert

Second, sync the official snippets: (this is optional, synvert is completely working with remote snippets)

$ synvert-javascript --sync


You can rewrite your code by running a snippet

$ synvert-javascript --run javascript/no-unused-imports

Specify the repository path

$ synvert-javascript --run javascript/no-unused-imports --root-path ~/Sites/xinminlabs/awesomecode.io

Run a snippet from remote url

$ synvert-javascript --run https://raw.githubusercontent.com/synvert-hq/synvert-snippets-javascript/master/lib/javascript/no-unused-imports.js --root-path ~/Sites/xinminlabs/awesomecode.io

Run a snippet from local file path

$ synvert-javascript --run ~/.synvert-javascript/lib/javascript/no-unused-imports.js --root-path ~/Sites/xinminlabs/awesomecode.io

Skip paths

$ synvert-javascript --run javascript/no-unused-imports --skip-paths "node_modules/**,dist/**" --root-path ~/Sites/xinminlabs/awesomecode.io

Only paths

$ synvert-javascript --run javascript/no-unused-imports --only-paths frontend/src/ --root-path ~/Sites/xinminlabs/awesomecode.io

Show processing files when running a snippet.

$ synvert-javascript --run javascript/no-unused-imports --show-run-process --root-path ~/Sites/xinminlabs/awesomecode.io

Synvert Snippet

The following is a typical synvert snippet:

const Synvert = require("synvert-core");

new Synvert.Rewriter("jquery", "deprecate-event-shorthand", () => {
  ifNpm("jquery", ">= 3.6.0");

  configure({ parser: Synvert.Parser.TYPESCRIPT });

  withinFiles(Synvert.ALL_FILES, function () {
    // $('#test').click(function(e) { });
    // =>
    // $('#test').on('click', function(e) { });
          [expression IN (/^\\$/ /^jQuery/)]
          [name IN (click change submit)]]
        [arguments.length=1][arguments.0.nodeType IN (FunctionExpression ArrowFunction)]`,
      () => {
        replace("expression.name", { with: "on" });
        insert("'{{expression.name}}', ", { to: "arguments.0", at: "beginning" });

The snippet only works when jquery npm is greater than or equal to 3.6.0, it finds all javascript files, for each javascript file, it finds the $().click(fn) or jQuery().submit(fn) code and replace with $().on('click', fn) and $().on('submit', fn) code.


synvert-core provides a set of APIs to query and mutate code based on AST nodes.

General APIs

configure({ parser: Synvert.Parser.TYPESCRIPT });
description("describe what the snippet does");
ifNpm("jquery", ">= 3.6.0")
withinFiles("**/*.js", function () {
withinFile("test/utils.js", function () {
addFile("jest.config.js", `
module.exports = {
  preset: 'ts-jest',
  testEnvironment: 'node',
addSnippet("jquery", "deprecate-event-shorthand");

Scope APIs

You can use scope apis to find the matching nodes or move to the specified node.

// import React from "react"
withNode({ nodeType: "ImportDeclaration", importClause: { name: "React" }, moduleSpecifier: { text: "react" }, }, () => {
// constructor () {}
findNode(".Constructor[parameters.length=0][body.statements.length=0]", () => {
// import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
gotoNode("importClause.namedBindings", () => {

Condition APIs

You can use condition apis to check if the current node matches the rules.

ifExistNode(".CallExpression[expression=useState]", () => {
  // call function if matches
}, () => {
  // call function if does not match
unlessExistNode('.ExpressionStatement[expression.text="use strict"]', () => {
  // call function if matches
}, () => {
  // call function if does not match
ifOnlyExistNode(".ExpressionStatement[expression=.CallExpression[expression=.SuperKeyword]]", () => {
  // call function if there is only one child node and the child node matches
}, () => {
  // call function if does not match
  { nodeType: "BindingElement" },
  { match: { name: { in: ["foo", "bar"] } } },
  () => {
    // call function if name of all BindingElement nodes is either foo or bar
  () => {
    // call function if does not match

Action APIs

You can use action apis to rewrite the source code.

// constructor() {
//   super();
// }
// =>
// constructor() {
//   super();
//   this.foo = "bar";
// }
findNode(".Constructor", () => {
  append('this.foo = "bar";');
// constructor() {
//   this.foo = "bar";
// }
// =>
// constructor() {
//   super();
//   this.foo = "bar";
// }
findNode(".Constructor", () => {
// NaN
// =>
// Number.NaN
findNode(`.Identifier[escapedText=NaN]`, () => {
  insert("Number.", { at: "beginning" });
// const object = {
//   hello: 'hello',
//   allo: 'allo',
//   hola: 'hola'
// };
// =>
// const object = {
//   hello: 'hello',
//   allo: 'allo',
//   hola: 'hola',
// };
findNode(`.ObjectLiteralExpression[multiLine=true][properties.hasTrailingComma=false]`, function () {
  insert(",", { to: "properties.-1", at: "end" });
// <Field
//   name="email"
//   type="email"
// />
// =>
// <Field
//   name="email"
//   type="email"
//   autoComplete="email"
// />
      [properties not includes .JsxAttribute[name=autoComplete]]
      [properties includes .JsxAttribute[name=name][initializer=.StringLiteral[text="email"]]]
      [properties includes .JsxAttribute[name=type][initializer=.StringLiteral[text="email"]]]
  () => {
    insertAfter(`  autoComplete="email"`, { to: "attributes.properties.-1" });
// <Field
//   name="email"
//   type="email"
// />
// =>
// <Field
//   autoComplete="email"
//   name="email"
//   type="email"
// />
      [properties not includes .JsxAttribute[name=autoComplete]]
      [properties includes .JsxAttribute[name=name][initializer=.StringLiteral[text="email"]]]
      [properties includes .JsxAttribute[name=type][initializer=.StringLiteral[text="email"]]]
  () => {
    insertBefore(`  autoComplete="email"`, { to: "attributes.properties.0" });
// foo.substr(start, length);
// =>
// foo.slice(start, start + length);
findNode(`.CallExpression[expression=.PropertyAccessExpression[name=substr]][arguments.length=2]`, () => {
  replace("arguments.1", { with: "{{arguments.0}} + {{arguments.1}}" });
  replace("expression.name", { with: "slice" });
// const someObject = {
//   cat: cat,
//   dog: dog,
//   bird: bird
// }
// =>
// const someObject = {
//   cat,
//   dog,
//   bird
// }
findNode(`.PropertyAssignment[name=.Identifier][initializer=.Identifier][key="{{value}}"]`, () => {
  deleteNode(["semicolon", "initializer"]);
// class A {
//   constructor () {
//   }
// }
// =>
// class A {
// }
findNode(".Constructor[parameters.length=0][body.statements.length=0]", () => {
// string.match(/unicorn/)
// =>
// /unicorn/.test(string)
  () => {

Other APIs

// define helper in helpers/remove-imports.js
callHelper("helpers/remove-imports", { importNames: ["Component", "Fragment"] })


Query Nodes

Synvert uses node_query npm to query nodes, so that you can use NQL (node query language) or node rules to query AST nodes.

Node Query Language

nql matches node type

It matches ClassDeclaration node

nql matches attribute

It matches NewExpression node whose expression value is UserAccount


It matches NewExpression node whose first argument is “Murphy” and second argument is 1

nql matches nested attribute

It matches NewExpression node whose escapedText of expression is UserAccount

nql matches evaluated value

It matches PropertyAssignement node whose node value of name matches node value of intiailizer

nql matches nested selector

It matches VariableDelclaration node whose initializer is a NewExpression node whose expression is UserAccount

nql matches property

It matches NewExpression node whose arguments length is 2

nql matches operators

Value of expression is equal to UserAccount


Value of expression starts with User


Value of expression ends with Account


Value of expression contains Account


Length of arguments is not equal to 0


Length of arguments is greater than or equal to 2


Length of arguments is greater than 1


Length of arguments is less than or equal to 2


Length of arguments is less than 3

.NewExpression[arguments INCLUDES "Murphy"]

It matches NewExpressioin node one of whose arguments is “Murphy”

.NewExpression[arguments NOT INCLUDES "Murphy"]

It matches NewExpressioin node none of whose arguments is “Murphy”

.ClassDeclaration[name IN (User Account UserAccount)]

Value of name matches any of User, Account and UserAccount

.ClassDeclaration[name NOT IN (User Account)]

Value of name does not match all of User and Account


Value of name starts with User


Value of name does not start with User

.ClassDeclaration[name IN (/User/ /Account/)]

Value of name matches any of /User/ and /Account/

nql matches array node attribute
.NewExpression[arguments=("Murphy" 1)]

It matches NewExpressioin node whose arguments are [“Murphy”, 1]

nql matches * in attribute key
.Constructor[parameters.*.name IN (name id)]

It matches Constructor whose parameters’ names are all in [name id]

nql matches multiple selectors
Descendant combinator
.ClassDeclaration .Constructor

It matches Constructor node whose ancestor matches the ClassDeclaration node

Child combinator
.ClassDeclaration > .PropertyDeclaration

It matches PropertyDeclaration node whose parent matches the ClassDeclartion node

Adjacent sibling combinator
.PropertyDeclaration[name=name] + .PropertyDeclaration

It matches PropertyDeclaration node only if it immediately follows the PropertyDeclaration whose name is name

General sibling combinator
.PropertyDeclaration[name=name] ~ .PropertyDeclaration

It matches PropertyDeclaration node only if it follows the PropertyDeclaration whose name is name

nql matches goto scope
.ClassDeclaration members .PropertyDeclaration

It matches PropertyDeclaration node who is in the members of ClassDeclaration node

nql matches :has and :not_has pseudo selector

It matches ClassDeclaration node if it has a Constructor node


It matches ClassDeclaration node if it does not have a Constructor node

nql matches :first-child and :last-child selector

It matches the first MethodDefinition node


It matches the last MethodDefinition node

nql matches multiple expressions
.JSXOpeningElement[name=Fragment], .JSXClosingElement[name=Fragment]

It matches JSXOpeningElement node whose name is Fragment or JSXClosingElement node whose name is Fragment

Node Rules

rules matches node type
{ nodeType: "ClassDeclaration" }

It matches ClassDeclaration node

rules matches attribute
{ nodeType: "NewExpression", expression: "UserAccount" }

It matches NewExpression node whose expression value is UserAccount

{ nodeType: "NewExpression", arguments: { 0: "Murphy", 1: 1 } }

It matches NewExpression node whose first argument is “Murphy” and second argument is 1

rules matches nested attribute
{ nodeType: "NewExpression", expression: { escapedText: "UserAccount" } }

It matches NewExpression node whose escapedText of expression is UserAccount

rules matches evaluated value
{ nodeType: "PropertyAssignment", name: "{{initializer}}" }

It matches PropertyAssignement node whose node value of name matches node value of intiailizer

rules matches nested selector
{ nodeType: "VariableDeclaration", initializer: { nodeType: "NewExpression", expression: "UserAccount" } }

It matches VariableDelclaration node whose initializer is a NewExpression node whose expression is UserAccount

rules matches property
{ nodeType: "NewExpression", arguments: { length: 2 } }

It matches NewExpression node whose arguments length is 2

rules matches operators
{ nodeType: "NewExpression", expression: "UserAccount" }

Value of expression is equal to UserAccount

{ nodeType: "NewExpression", arguments: { length: { not: 0 } } }

Length of arguments is not equal to 0

{ nodeType: "NewExpression", arguments: { length: { gte: 2 } } }

Length of arguments is greater than or equal to 2

{ nodeType: "NewExpression", arguments: { length: { gt: 1 } } }

Length of arguments is greater than 1

{ nodeType: "NewExpression", arguments: { length: { lte: 2 } } }

Length of arguments is less than or equal to 2

{ nodeType: "NewExpression", arguments: { length: { lt: 3 } } }

Length of arguments is less than 3

{ nodeType: "NewExpression", arguments: { includes: "Murphy" } }

It matches NewExpressioin node one of whose arguments is “Murphy”

{ nodeType: "NewExpression", arguments: { notIncludes: "Murphy" } }

It matches NewExpressioin node none of whose arguments is “Murphy”

{ nodeType: "ClassDeclaration", name: { in: [User Account UserAccount] } }

Value of name matches any of User, Account and UserAccount

{ nodeType: "ClassDeclaration", name: { notIn: [User Account] } }

Value of name does not match all of User and Account

{ nodeType: "ClassDeclaration", name: /^User/ }

Value of name starts with User

{ nodeType: "ClassDeclaration", name: { not: /^User/ } }

Value of name does not start with User

{ nodeType: "ClassDeclaration", name: { in: [/User/, /Account/] } }

Value of name matches any of /User/ and /Account/

rules matches array node attribute
{ nodeType: "NewExpression", arguments: ["Murphy", 1] }

It matches NewExpressioin node whose arguments are [“Murphy”, 1]

Evaluated Value

Evaluated value uses syntax {{ ... }} to fetch child node or value, e.g.

// string.match(/unicorn/)
// =>
// /unicorn/.test(string)