
Upgrade rails 4.2 to 5.0 Part 2

In our previous tutorial, we learned how to use Synvert to upgrade rails 4.2 to 5.0 for some simple cases. In this tutorial, we’ll take things a step further and dive into more complex use cases.

The first one is ActiveModel::Errors#[]= is deprecated.

When you set the errors in model like errors[:base] = 'foobar' in rails 5.0, you will see the following warning:

ActiveModel::Errors#[]= is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 5.1.

Use model.errors.add(:#{attribute}, #{error.inspect}) instead.

So we need to replace them with errors.add(:base, 'foobar').

To get started with Synvert, open VSCode and activate the Synvert Extension. Select the language as ruby and click “Show Generate Snippet Form”.

Set the File Pattern as app/models/**/*.rb

Set the Gem Version as activerecord >= 5.0

Set the Input as errors[:name] = 'must be present' and Output as errors.add(:name, 'must be present')

Finally, click the “Generate Snippet” button. This will generate the following snippet:

Synvert::Rewriter.new 'group', 'name' do
  within_files 'app/models/**/*.rb' do
    with_node node_type: 'send', receiver: { node_type: 'send', receiver: nil, message: 'errors', arguments: { size: 0 } }, message: '[]=', arguments: { size: 2, '0': :name, '1': "'must be present'" } do
      replace_with '{{receiver}}.add({{arguments.0}}, {{arguments.1}})'

It searches for the send node whose receiver is also a send node, receiver’s message is errors, message is []=, and it has 2 arguments, the first one is :name, the second is 'must be present', then replaces it with {{receiver}}.add({{arguments.0}}), {{arguments.1}}).

As I shown in the previous tutorial, we can remove the rule argument.0 and arguments.1 to make it works with all cases. Here I’ll show you another way.

Let’s add a new input errors[:email] = 'must be unique' and output errors.add(:email, 'must be unique'). Then click the “Generate Snippet” button again. It will generate the following snippet:

Synvert::Rewriter.new 'group', 'name' do
  within_files 'app/models/**/*.rb' do
    with_node node_type: 'send', receiver: { node_type: 'send', receiver: nil, message: 'errors', arguments: { size: 0 } }, message: '[]=', arguments: { size: 2 } do
      replace_with '{{receiver}}.add({{arguments.0}}, {{arguments.1}})'

As we set the different values in arguments.0 and arguments.1, the new generated snippet will ignore them.

Now we can search in our project

Upgrade rails 4.2 to 5.0 3

And replace them all.

The next one is head response

If you use render nothing: true in rails 5.0, you will see the following warning:

:nothing option is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 5.1. Use head method to respond with empty response body.

There are two cases:

  1. if you use render nothing: true without set status option, you can just replace it with head :ok.

  2. if you set status option, render nothing: true, status: :created, you can replace it with head :created.

Open the VSCode Synvert Extension. Select the language as ruby and click “Show Generate Snippet Form”.

Set the File Pattern as app/controllers/**/*.rb

Set the Gem Version as actionpack >= 5.0

Set the Input as render nothing: true and Output as head :ok

Click the “Generate Snippet” button, then it will generate the following snippet:

Synvert::Rewriter.new 'group', 'name' do
  within_files 'app/controllers/**/*.rb' do
    with_node node_type: 'send', receiver: nil, message: 'render', arguments: { size: 1, '0': { node_type: 'hash', nothing_value: true } } do
      replace :arguments, with: ':ok'
      replace :message, with: 'head'

It searches for the send node whose message is render, and first argument is hash whose nothing_value is true, then replaces the message with head and replaces the arguments with :ok.

Let’s try another case. Set the Input as render nothing: true, status: :created and Output as head :created. Click the “Generate Snippet” button again. It will generate the following snippet:

Synvert::Rewriter.new 'group', 'name' do
  within_files 'app/controllers/**/*.rb' do
    with_node node_type: 'send', receiver: nil, message: 'render', arguments: { size: 1, '0': { node_type: 'hash', nothing_value: true, status_value: :created } } do
      replace :arguments, with: '{{arguments.0.status_source}}'
      replace :message, with: 'head'

The new snippet is similar to the previous one, but it has a new rule status_value, and it will replace the arguments with {{arguments.0.status_source}}. To make it work for all status, we can change the :created to { not: nil }.

We can handle the two cases in one snippet, it just needs to check if the status_value, if it is nil, we replace the arguments with :ok, otherwise we replace the arguments with {{arguments.0.status_source}}.

The updated snippet is as follows:

Synvert::Rewriter.new 'group', 'name' do
  within_files 'app/controllers/**/*.rb' do
    with_node node_type: 'send', receiver: nil, message: 'render', arguments: { size: 1, '0': { node_type: 'hash', nothing_value: true } } do
      replace :message, with: 'head'
      goto_node 'arguments.0' do
        with_node node_type: 'hash', status_value: nil do
          replace_with ':ok'
        with_node node_type: 'hash', status_value: { not: nil } do
          replace_with '{{status_source}}'

Now we can search in our project.

Upgrade rails 4.2 to 5.0 4

And replace them all.

That concludes this tutorial. I’ll show you more cases in the next tutorial. See you then!